I never thought I would look forward to being anywhere besides snuggled in bed at 6:00 am on a freezing winter day. Training with Hasani changed that. For two years, twice a week—no matter how cold or hot it was—I got up excited to find out what challenges awaited me in our training sessions.
Hasani’s amazing energy, knowledge of body mechanics and innovative approach to training kept me constantly engaged and motivated in our training sessions and during the rest of the week as I continued to work on my fitness.
He is incredibly generous with his knowledge and time. Although I was initially focused on strength training, when I expressed interest in improving my running skills, Hasani was right there providing running training methods and helping me set achievable goals. I was surprised and delighted to have faster running times in my 50s than I did in my 40s and to see Hasani at the finish line of a race was really special. I highly recommend Hasani to anyone who wants to improve their fitness.

Hasani is kind, attentive, motivational, super supportive, and a technically skilled fitness guru.
I was never the type to work with a trainer. When I observed Hasani thoughtfully structure workouts at the gym for others, I knew I wanted to be under his tutelage to get back into shape. I was struggling with weight gain on post cancer drugs, and my punishing work schedule wasn’t helping, either.
Hasani was super attentive and focused on understanding my individual goals, emphasized form—something I valued immensely—and inspired a belief in my abilities. Before I knew it, I was running more efficiently than before, doing pullups, deadlifting 150 lbs (I had never deadlifted before!) and toning my entire body. I lost weight, built stamina, and toned my body. When I was tired, he pivoted and still managed to challenge and motivate me. I always left him feeling better than when I arrived, thinking, what a way to start the day!
Hasani changed my life during my time with him and set me on a path to recovery. I would still be with him if my work schedule allowed.

Dr. Y Riley
Like so many of you, I woke up one day and realized that I was out of shape. It just crept up on me. I decided it was time to get back into shape! I was introduced to a man—young enough to be my son—as the best in the business. It was clear from my intake session who was in charge, and it was not me. I recall my first meeting with Hasani so clearly, because among his questions was, "How many steps do you take a day?"
I proudly announced about 2,000. He recommended a minimum of 10,000. Wait... What? Next, he asked if I was a runner. "Not even for a bus" was my cheeky response.
Fast forward 6 months: I learned I actually have sweat glands, I cannot skip a work out because I wore the incorrect socks, and, no, you must show up for our session because, well… You paid me, and you really do want to come in! A friend announced she was running the Brooklyn Half Marathon. Never being one for math, I decided I too would run the half marathon. See, I thought it would be 3 miles! (Yes, believe me.) Only after signing up did I tell Hasani. He thought I was joking. I could hear his jaw drop during that phone call, but he quickly regained his professional stance and said… "OK, you'll have to train because we only have 3 months and you haven't ran a day in your life."
Hasani wrote a running plan, came along with me so he could pace me, checked on my progress and motivated me. May 18th: There I was at mile 12, screaming into the phone, "Hasani, I can't finish." Within what seemed like seconds he was next to me. He had already completed the race and doubled back to run next to me, shouting above the crowds all kinds of motivational things. Among them, "Remember when you didn't run for the bus? Look at you at mile 13… Go, Yvonne, go!"
I finished my first half marathon, screaming and not even realizing I was the one screaming, and let me tell you, there were tears. Tears of joy and gratitude. My victory was not only for me, but for my family who motivated me, cheered me on and especially for my son, who is watching everything I do and seeing that with hard work and a trainer like Hasani, anything can be accomplished.
Since then, I have successfully completed several races under Hasani's tutelage, watchful eye and pacing. Who knew I had it in me? Since the pandemic, I have not missed any of our sessions even though they went from in person to virtual. I continue because my work outs have literally saved me. They preserve my sanity and give me a reason to get up from my desk and do something for myself. I cannot express my joy at having met Hasani, and all I can say is trust his process. Own the outcome!

I had only planned to work with a trainer for a few months and was about to stop since I almost dreaded the sessions I was doing with another trainer. But I started working with Hasani instead. What a difference! Due to his ability to keep sessions interesting and challenging while also encouraging and motivating me, it’s over a year and a half later and we’re still at it!
Thanks to Hasani, I’m the strongest I have ever been and that’s despite the fact that during the time I have been training with him, I spent a year in treatment and surgeries for cancer and also recovering from a persistent running injury. Figuring out when to push me and when not to, which exercises I could do and which I couldn’t, as I was recovering, was no small feat.
It’s clear how he tailors his approach to me and my goals, whether that’s helping me get back to long distance running or wanting to be able to deadlift my weight—both of which I achieved with his help. He’s incredibly professional, generous with his time (helping me build ‘homework’ routines to use on my own), responsive (sharing planned workouts in advance), knowledgeable, motivating and supportive. I’ve worked with a number of trainers at different points in my life and absolutely never could have imagined staying with anyone this long—that’s my clear endorsement!